Thursday, March 12, 2009

~* My SecRet CrusHHHHH *~!

So my Secret crush of this week, is one I have had since high school. It's really funny cause I don't think i have ever told anyone about it. And  all through out high school i never spoke to her once... she was friends with a couple of my friends. She's soo cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeee. i just want to watch a sitcom of her playing her for a couple months! maybe forever ? 
this is what she used to look like in high school, she had a little fro like this but she had glasses and would always rock the cutest outfits! 

She's really smart and graduated from B.U with flying colors 
I bet she is soo funny and always says the funniest stuff
She's really skinny but still is tuff and can beat losers up 
there was one time. just one time i got to hang out with her! I didnt know what to do cause i was kinda seeing someone, just kinda though .
we dont know how to play twister
I bet she'll be so good with kids! i wouldn't mind being in a arranged marriage with her!!
where were you while we were getting high ?

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