Wednesday, March 11, 2009

this the music i been fucking with this week

Jullian put me on to the dream, and i am so glad he did cause it the shit real talk! 
I fucking love mobb deep! its perfect music to listen to, walking around lawrence 

Fuck yes Goblin! Goblin ! i could die doing the most extreme pointless things as long as this song is in playing in the background!!! Seriously i would role down a hill of a busy street in a shopping cart if one day this song would play out of the speakers in the clouds.  man what i day that would be. 

Last but not least i have been listening to the Roots of rumba rock cd, i bought a long time ago 
and forgot about it. congo classics are tight, this all youtube had to offer if you fast forward to the middle were kitenge starts you'll feel me

1 comment:

MrZaiko said...

ohh and Mobb Deep too!